Retro camera and potted plant on wooden surface with copy space.

Compulsions, coping mechanisms, and Obsessions

Initially, we are clueless that our unpleasant feelings are tied to our thoughts and behaviors or how we allow others to treat us. We aren’t aware that in order to avoid these feelings, we dive into our coping mechanisms. Coping mechanisms can look like:


Stuffing emotionsScreamingAnger
Watching TelevisionChecking out EmotionallyGoing to the refrigerator
Turning on the phoneAny eating disorderAddiction of choice
Stay late at workTaking on more workloadPay more attention to kids/ avoid time with spouse

Feeling off or yucky? It happens to the best of us. Picture this: the next time you’re having one of those days, you start by taking a deep breath and reflecting on your last rough day. Did you find yourself yelling, cleaning, or endlessly scrolling on your phone? Was your body tense, breath held, stomach in knots? Maybe you reached for some comfort food, like a velvety piece of chocolate.

Make a list of your go-to responses and dive into what you were feeling—stuck, afraid, lost, angry, powerless? In the recovery program, we explore what we can control and what we can’t. We practice the serenity prayer, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” We identify our responsibilities, set boundaries with love, and learn to detach from what’s not ours to own.

Great! Let’s explore some more ideas to brighten things up:

  1. Start a Gratitude Journal: Each day, jot down a few things you’re grateful for. It could be as simple as a delicious meal or a kind word from a friend.
  2. Explore a New Hobby: Whether it’s painting, gardening, or learning a musical instrument, diving into something new can be incredibly fulfilling.
  3. Plan a Mini Adventure: Plan a day trip to a nearby town, a hike, or even a picnic in a local park. Change of scenery can do wonders.
  4. Random Acts of Kindness: Do something kind for someone else. It could be as simple as leaving a positive note for a coworker or paying for a stranger’s coffee.
  5. Digital Detox: Take a break from screens and social media. Spend that time reading a book, cooking a new recipe, or simply enjoying nature.
  6. Reconnect with Loved Ones: Call or visit a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while. Sometimes a good conversation can lift your spirits.
  7. Self-Care Rituals: Take a long bath, meditate, or indulge in a hobby that relaxes you. Prioritize activities that make you feel good.
  8. Create a Vision Board: Gather images and quotes that inspire you and create a vision board for your goals and dreams. It’s a visual reminder of what you’re working towards.
  9. Learn Something New: Take an online course or read about a topic you’ve always been curious about. Expanding your knowledge can be exciting and rewarding.
  10. Volunteer: Helping others can give you a sense of purpose and make you feel more connected to your community.

Remember, small changes can make a big difference. Which one of these ideas resonates with you the most? If you are confused, we understand.

Recovery work can get confusing, which is why we don’t do it alone. We seek counsel and support. If you’re interested, join us and sign up for a meeting today. You might be surprised at how different your life can be a year from now. 🌟

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