Vibrant 3D rendering depicting the complexity of neural networks.

Neuroplasticity: Re-wiring Your Brain

Neuroplasticity: Re-wiring Your Brain Neuroplasticity, also known as neural plasticity or brain plasticity, refers to the ability of the nervous system to change its structure, functions, or connections in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli. “It can involve functional changes due to brain damage or structural changes due to learning. Neuroplasticity is when the brain…

How to Heal Emotionally?

How to Heal Emotionally?

How to Heal Emotionally? Here at ERSM we believe emotional healing begins with being affirmed. The need to be affirmed can be met through a spouse, counselor, clergy, CranioSacral therapist, or trusted sponsor. No matter who it is, it needs to be someone with the gift/ability/training of Therapeutic Listening. Here at Edge of the Red…

The Hammer

The Hammer

When people enter Wholeness/Recovery work, they often only have a “hammer” and a “screwdriver” in their toolbox. And because of that, every problem looks like a nail or a screw. They don’t realize all the other OPTIONS and CHOICES available to them. We would never expect a carpenter to build a house with just a…

Multiple portraits showcasing various facial expressions and emotions of a young woman.


IDENTIFY FEELINGS  FEELINGS The majority of the time, when people start recovery work, they aren’t aware of their feelings. They often feel either anger or numbness. Or good. But good is not a feeling. Others come because they are worried and struggling with obsessive thoughts. The obsession is almost always over something they are powerless…