Man Happy eith Mental Haelath

God Knows What We Need For Happiness

As discussed in the last article, there is a universal phenomenon: our brains are pre-wired with a negative thought process. Everyone struggles with self-doubt, insecurity, or personal criticism. The good news is we are not stuck with what we were born with, and we can learn to rewire our brains at any age!

Did you know that learning to develop our positive emotional intelligence was first biblical? God knew what we needed to live lives of happiness and joy. He didn’t just hang us out to dry! Let’s look at some examples.

First, consider 2 Cor 10:5, where it says, “Take every thought captive.” What is the first thing we need to do to capture an enemy? Identify him! Only after we identify him do we know where to seek him. Then we can capture him. This process follows St. Ignatius’s opening statement of his 14 rules of Discernment of Spirits. He says first we have to have an awareness of our thoughts, then we have to understand our thoughts, and then we need to take action to either accept or reject our thoughts! We can all learn to take captive our thoughts instead of allowing them to take us captive. 

For example, when experiencing an off-day, I must first become aware that I am not my usual self. Once I am aware of this, I can ask why. Asking why leads to understanding. Why do I feel this way? Is it situational? Who or what am I upset at? Sometimes it even helps to notice when I began to feel this way. Is it my people pleaser, controller, or perfectionism guilting me into a wrong decision? Can I identify the negative thought process here so that I may capture it? Learning to tune in with our emotions and feelings is part of discerning if one’s ebb or flow of life is spiritual or an emotional high or low. When maturity in emotional and spiritual health coincide, it brings a personal wholeness.   

Philippians 4:6-7 tells us, “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”  This scripture is telling us how and why to take every thought captive! First, I am to bring my worries and concerns to God. Then I lay them at his feet. Trust Him. I don’t just trust in Him. I trust him – with everything. For me, to trust in God means I believe he can and he does these things for other people but not necessarily for me.  When I trust God, to me that means I believe he can and does want to help me too, no matter how small or big the problem.  He cares! Then I thank him! When I do this, I’m sure to have the peace that surpasses all understanding! God can either calm the storm or calm the storm within the child. That’s the peace I’m talking about here.  Some ways to process what’s in my head could be talking to a friend (Jesus in adoration is a great friend), praying,or journaling. When I come to a place where I realize that my way is not working, I turn to God, and I ask Him, “What is your will?”  

Anxiety can be as simple as – how will I get all the laundry and dishes done? how will I meet the work project deadline? For example, my “old self” tells me I’ll get more done when I’m anxious and hyper-vigilant. However, since practicing this “new self” of trusting God with my day, I get threefold the amount of work done; everyone stays calm, and we have a good day. Anxiety is the universal phenomenon or the thought that needs to be taken captive in this situation.

The books of Ephesians and Colossians both tell us to “take off our old self and put on our new self.”  What Paul is referring to here is spiritual and emotional maturity. Today science calls it “rewiring our brains” or emotional intelligence, and it is well within your grasp. 

The Bible told us the importance of our thoughts and words long before science or the mindfulness movement did. Jesus Christ was on it! Rest assured, he has equipped us. Lay those negative thoughts at His feet so that you may walk in peace. We are so blessed! 

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